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Future of the Metro Marine Building

Built circa 1945, the Metro Marine Building in Bronte's inner harbour was identified in the Town of Oakville's Heritage Report in 2014 as "a local landmark, as one of the last remaining historic buildings in the Bronte Harbour".

This type of building is rare and unique in Oakville and Bronte, as few surviving industrial buildings associated with the historic ship-building industry remain in each area. In recognition of  its importance, later in 2014, By-Law 2-14-124 was passedA by-law to designate the Bronte Marina Building, formerly Metro Marine, at 2508 Lakeshore Road West as a property of historical, architectural and contextual significance.


In 2016, the building was part of the Harbours Master Plan program. As shown on one of the report's panels below, the preservation of the Bronte Marine Building was a Key Directive.​


Milestone:  July 9, 2024 - Town of Oakville Council Meeting -

Oakville Marine Search and Rescue Relocation to Bronte Harbour

A Staff Report came before Council recommending the relocation of the Oakville Marine Search and Rescue Service (formerly known as TOWARF) from its long-time location at 2 Navy Street in Oakville Harbour to the Metro Marine Building in Bronte's inner harbour.


Bronte's Harry Shea delegated at the meeting to provide a presentation and voice opposition. He noted no public engagement had been undertaken regarding the proposed move, the building's historical value deserved to play a serious role in any future use and that the current proposal of utilizing it as a site for Marine Rescue was counter to the directions that had been established in the Harbours Master Plan. He suggested other alternate locations be thoroughly reviewed and weighed before any change be made to the current Navy Street location.​​


Following discussion, a motion was brought forward by Ward 1 Regional and Town Councillor Sean O'Meara ... 

Moved byCouncillor O'Meara

That this matter be referred back to staff to develop more options, conduct public consultation and produce a recommendation to Council.

That staff consult the public about future uses of 2 Navy Street, where TOWARF was located before their name change to Oakville Search and Rescue.



One Bronte ~ One Voice will publish updates as they become available.

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