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Focus on the Future

In the immediate and long term future, we envision involvement in …


  • Active and ongoing participation in Bronte Village Streetscape- renewal and revitalization of Lakeshore Road and the immediate areas that border it. We envision an introduction of green elements, better design of the commercial square near the northeast corner of Lakeshore and Bronte Road, better placemaking and the addition of elements such as planting, benches and people friendly places.


  • Supporting Local Business and our BIA - they are a part of Bronte’s fabric and without them, we can’t achieve our shared vision of a vibrant community. Advocating to advance solutions for local parking, participating in Bronte Forward! and continuing to speak up for Bronte and its needs at the municipal level.


  • Enhancing our Waterfront - including projects that relate to the liveability and vibrancy of Bronte such as the renewal of the Lighthouse Conference Centre, the future of the Metro Marine building, creating better pedestrian connections to our water features, boardwalks, beach and bluffs areas.


  • Advocating for Additional Community Services/Programs - an outdoor skating rink, a destination neighbourhood pool, re-envisioning of the Bronte Athletic field, a Bronte Village library and more.

Outdoor Cultural Hub - to provide support for the arts, culture and the preservation of Bronte's heritage. Advocate for a Community Planning Permit System (CPPS) to allow for residents and the community to have input and influence on required guidelines on building facades and other elements that will help reflect Bronte's village atmosphere. Addition of more public art and more winter attractions.


Our Goal : create an integrated and coordinated approach for Community Planning in Bronte. That means breaking down the current silos that exist, ensuring budgets are coordinated and sufficient expertise and jurisdictional requirements are in place to allow for success

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